.API File Recovery

Have files been deleted due to a user’s error or software error? Have you formatted a disk by accident and need to know how to recover the files? Read our .API file recovery guide for Windows, MacOS, Android and IOS in 2024.

API File Recovery

What is a .API file?

Settings file used by Photoshop, a raster graphics editing program; stores color settings for ink colors that are used for printing images; enables users to save and load calibrated color settings, which is useful when establishing printing properties for a specific inkjet or laser printer.

What Are Common Causes of ".API" Files Lost or Failure?

There can be several common causes for ".API" files being lost or experiencing failure:

  1. Accidental deletion: Users may accidentally delete ".API" files while cleaning up their system or organizing files, leading to their loss.
  2. Software or system crashes: If a software program or the operating system crashes while working with ".API" files, it can result in the files becoming corrupted or lost.
  3. Malware or virus infection: Malicious software or viruses can corrupt or delete ".API" files as part of their destructive activities.
  4. File system errors: Errors in the file system, such as disk errors or file corruption, can cause ".API" files to become inaccessible or lost.
  5. Incompatible software or version mismatch: If an application or software program that relies on ".API" files is updated or changed, it may lead to compatibility issues or version mismatches, resulting in the failure or loss of ".API" files.
  6. Hardware failure: Physical damage or failure of the storage device where ".API" files are stored can lead to their loss or corruption.
  7. User error: Users may inadvertently move or rename ".API" files, making them difficult to locate or causing software that relies on them to fail.
  8. Unintentional formatting: Accidentally formatting the storage device or partition where ".API" files are stored can result in their complete loss.
  9. Power outages: Sudden power outages or system shutdowns without proper shutdown procedures can cause ".API" files to become corrupted or lost.

It is always recommended to regularly backup important files, including ".API" files, to prevent data loss in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

How to recover lost ".API" files?

Sometimes while working with a computer, laptop or other stationary or mobile devices, you may encounter various bugs, freezes, hardware or software failures, even in spite of regular updates and junk cleaning. As a result, an important ".API" file may be deleted.

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🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

By no means should you think that the only way to recover a ".API" file is always to create it once more.

Use programs for recovering ".API" files if a file was lost after accidental or deliberate deleting, formatting the memory card or the internal storage, cleaning the storage device, after a virus attack or a system failure.

Programs to recover ".API" files

Looking for a way to get files back? In cases when files were deleted and they cannot be restored by using standard operating system tools, use Hetman Partition Recovery.

Partition Recovery™ 4.9
The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Follow the directions below:

  1. Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and start the program.

  2. The program will automatically scan the computer and display all hard disks and removable drives connected to it, as well as physical and local disks.

    File Recovery Software
  3. Double-click on the disk from which you need to recover ".API" files, and select analysis type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Analysis Type
  4. When the scanning is over, you will be shown the files for recovery.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Files that Can be Restored
  5. To find a file you need, use the program’s interface to open the folder it was deleted from, or go to the folder "Content-Aware Analysis" and select the required file type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Deep Scan
  6. Select the files you have been looking for and click "Recovery".

    File Recovery Software - Files List for Recovery
  7. Choose one of the methods for saving the files and recover them.

    Saving recovered files in Hetman Partition Recovery

How to open file with ".API" extension?

Looking for how to open a stereo adobe Photoshop Inks File image file file?

Programs that open ".API" files

Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Adobe Photoshop CC 2019

Additional Information

  • File type: Adobe Photoshop Inks File

  • File extension: .API

  • Developer: Adobe Systems

  • Category: Settings Files

  • Format: Binary

  • HEX: 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


  • File types that use the extension .API:

    • Adobe Photoshop Inks File

    • Acrobat Plug-in


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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 15:21 #
    Leave a comment if you have any questions about Recovering lost .API files after deleting, cleaning or formatting!
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as xaker.ru, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


Questions and answers

  • What is API recovery and why is it important in software development?

    API recovery refers to the ability of an application programming interface (API) to handle and recover from errors or failures gracefully. It involves designing an API in such a way that it can detect and handle errors, recover from them, and continue functioning without causing disruptions to the overall system.

    API recovery is important in software development for several reasons:

    1. Reliability: APIs are used to connect different software components or services, and any failure or error in an API can disrupt the entire system. By implementing robust error handling and recovery mechanisms, the API can ensure that it continues to function even in the face of errors, improving the overall reliability of the system.
    2. User Experience: When an API fails, it can impact the user experience of applications or services that rely on it. By implementing proper recovery mechanisms, APIs can provide meaningful error messages, graceful degradation, or alternative functionality to minimize the negative impact on end users.
    3. Scalability: APIs are often used in distributed systems that need to handle large volumes of requests. If an API fails to recover from errors efficiently, it can lead to cascading failures, affecting the scalability and performance of the entire system. Proper recovery mechanisms help prevent such failures and ensure scalability.
    4. Troubleshooting and Debugging: When an API encounters an error, it is crucial to have proper error logging and reporting mechanisms in place. This allows developers to identify and diagnose the root cause of the error, aiding in troubleshooting and debugging efforts.
    5. Security: APIs can be vulnerable to attacks or misuse. By implementing recovery mechanisms, APIs can detect and respond to security threats, such as denial-of-service attacks or unauthorized access attempts, protecting the system and its data.

    Overall, API recovery is important in software development to ensure the reliability, user experience, scalability, security, and maintainability of the system. It helps minimize disruptions, improve error handling, and provide a robust foundation for building applications and services.

  • What are some common challenges faced during API recovery and how can they be overcome?
    1. Authentication and Authorization: One common challenge is ensuring secure access to the API during recovery. This can be overcome by implementing appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms such as API keys, OAuth, or JWT tokens.
    2. Data Consistency: Maintaining data consistency between the primary and backup API servers can be challenging. Implementing mechanisms like database replication, data synchronization, or distributed data stores can help overcome this challenge.
    3. Scalability and Performance: Recovering an API while ensuring high scalability and performance can be difficult. Implementing load balancing techniques, caching mechanisms, and optimizing database queries can help overcome these challenges.
    4. Error Handling and Logging: Proper error handling and logging are crucial during API recovery. Implementing robust error handling mechanisms, logging frameworks, and monitoring tools can help identify and resolve issues effectively.
    5. Dependency Management: APIs often rely on various external services or dependencies. Managing and recovering these dependencies can be challenging. Implementing circuit breakers, fallback mechanisms, or using service meshes can help overcome this challenge.
    6. Communication and Notifications: During API recovery, it is important to communicate the status and progress to relevant stakeholders. Implementing notification systems, status updates, and clear communication channels can help overcome this challenge.
    7. Testing and Monitoring: Testing and monitoring the API recovery process is crucial to ensure its effectiveness. Implementing automated testing frameworks, continuous integration, and monitoring tools can help identify and resolve issues proactively.
    8. Documentation and Support: Providing proper documentation and support for API recovery can be challenging. Maintaining up-to-date documentation, offering developer support channels, and conducting regular training sessions can help overcome this challenge.
  • Can you provide examples of tools or techniques used for API recovery in practice?

    Sure! Here are some common tools and techniques used for API recovery in practice:

    1. Retry Mechanism: Implementing a retry mechanism is a common technique for API recovery. When an API call fails, the system can automatically retry the request after a certain interval. This can be done using libraries or frameworks that provide built-in retry functionality.
    2. Circuit Breaker Pattern: The circuit breaker pattern is used to handle failures in distributed systems, including API failures. It allows the system to detect when an API is consistently failing, and subsequently "breaks" the circuit, temporarily stopping requests to that API. This helps to prevent cascading failures and allows the system to recover.
    3. Monitoring and Alerting: Monitoring tools can be used to continuously monitor the health and performance of APIs. When an API failure is detected, alerts can be sent to the development team, allowing them to take immediate action and initiate recovery procedures.
    4. Graceful Degradation: Graceful degradation is a technique that involves designing the system to gracefully handle API failures. Instead of completely failing or crashing, the system can degrade its functionality or provide fallback options when an API is unavailable. This ensures that the system remains partially functional and can recover when the API becomes available again.
    5. API Versioning: API versioning can be used as a recovery strategy when an API undergoes changes or becomes unavailable. By maintaining multiple versions of the API, the system can switch to a previous version in case of failures or issues with the current version. This allows the system to continue functioning while the API is being recovered or fixed.
    6. Load Balancing and Failover: Load balancing and failover techniques can be used to distribute API requests across multiple instances or servers. If one API instance fails, the load balancer can redirect requests to other available instances, ensuring continuous service availability. This helps in recovering from API failures and minimizing downtime.
    7. Automated Testing and Continuous Integration: Implementing automated tests and continuous integration practices can help identify API failures early in the development cycle. By regularly running tests and integrating changes, developers can quickly detect and fix issues, reducing the impact of failures and improving recovery time.

    These are just a few examples of tools and techniques used for API recovery. The choice of tools and techniques may vary depending on the specific requirements, architecture, and technologies used in a given system.

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