.BUS File Recovery

Have files been deleted due to a user’s error or software error? Have you formatted a disk by accident and need to know how to recover the files? Read our .BUS file recovery guide for Windows, MacOS, Android and IOS in 2024.

BUS File Recovery

What is a .BUS file?

File created by OMSI The Bus Simulator, an omnibus driving simulator; contains configuration data for buses that appear during gameplay, such as speed and appearance; similar to other OMSI configuration files like .HUM, .SLI, .SCO, and .OVH files; can be customized.

What Are Common Causes of ".BUS" Files Lost or Failure?

There can be several common causes of ".BUS" files being lost or experiencing failure. Some of these causes include:

  1. Accidental deletion: Users may accidentally delete ".BUS" files while organizing or cleaning up their computer's storage.
  2. Virus or malware attack: Malicious software can infect and corrupt ".BUS" files, making them inaccessible or unusable.
  3. Hardware failure: Issues with the computer's hard drive, such as bad sectors or physical damage, can lead to data loss, including ".BUS" files.
  4. Software conflicts: Incompatibility or conflicts between different software applications can cause ".BUS" files to become corrupted or fail to open.
  5. Operating system errors: Errors within the operating system can result in the loss or corruption of ".BUS" files.
  6. Power failure: Sudden power outages or improper shutdowns can interrupt file operations and lead to the loss or corruption of ".BUS" files.
  7. Human error: Mistakes made by users, such as accidentally formatting a storage device or overwriting ".BUS" files, can cause data loss.
  8. File system errors: Issues with the file system, such as file system corruption or errors, can result in the loss or failure of ".BUS" files.
  9. Software bugs or glitches: Programming errors or glitches in software applications that handle ".BUS" files can lead to data loss or file corruption.
  10. Storage device failure: If the storage device where the ".BUS" files are stored, such as a hard drive or flash drive, fails or becomes damaged, it can result in the loss of files, including ".BUS" files.

How to recover lost ".BUS" files?

Sometimes while working with a computer, laptop or other stationary or mobile devices, you may encounter various bugs, freezes, hardware or software failures, even in spite of regular updates and junk cleaning. As a result, an important ".BUS" file may be deleted.

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🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

By no means should you think that the only way to recover a ".BUS" file is always to create it once more.

Use programs for recovering ".BUS" files if a file was lost after accidental or deliberate deleting, formatting the memory card or the internal storage, cleaning the storage device, after a virus attack or a system failure.

Programs to recover ".BUS" files

Looking for a way to get files back? In cases when files were deleted and they cannot be restored by using standard operating system tools, use Hetman Partition Recovery.

Partition Recovery™ 4.9
The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Follow the directions below:

  1. Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and start the program.

  2. The program will automatically scan the computer and display all hard disks and removable drives connected to it, as well as physical and local disks.

    File Recovery Software
  3. Double-click on the disk from which you need to recover ".BUS" files, and select analysis type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Analysis Type
  4. When the scanning is over, you will be shown the files for recovery.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Files that Can be Restored
  5. To find a file you need, use the program’s interface to open the folder it was deleted from, or go to the folder "Content-Aware Analysis" and select the required file type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Deep Scan
  6. Select the files you have been looking for and click "Recovery".

    File Recovery Software - Files List for Recovery
  7. Choose one of the methods for saving the files and recover them.

    Saving recovered files in Hetman Partition Recovery

How to open file with ".BUS" extension?

Looking for how to open a stereo oMSI Bus Configuration File image file file?

Programs that open ".BUS" files

MR Software OMSI The Bus Simulator 2 MR Software OMSI The Bus Simulator 2

Additional Information

  • File type: OMSI Bus Configuration File

  • File extension: .BUS

  • Developer: MR Software

  • Category: Game Files

  • Format: Text

  • File types that use the extension .BUS:

    • OMSI Bus Configuration File

    • VirtualBus Board Parameters File


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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 15:05 #
    Leave a comment if you have any questions about Recovering lost .BUS files after deleting, cleaning or formatting!
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as xaker.ru, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


Questions and answers

  • What is a ".BUS backup" and how does it work?

    A ".BUS backup" refers to a backup file format used by the software application called "Business Contact Manager" (BCM) for Microsoft Outlook. BCM is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that allows users to manage their contacts, sales opportunities, and other business-related information within Outlook.

    The ".BUS backup" is essentially a backup file created by BCM to store all the data and settings related to the CRM database. It includes information such as contacts, accounts, opportunities, communication history, and preferences. This backup file can be used to restore the BCM database in case of data loss, system migration, or when moving to a new computer.

    To create a ".BUS backup," users can follow these general steps:

    1. Open Microsoft Outlook with Business Contact Manager.
    2. Go to the "File" tab or menu.
    3. Select "Back Up" or "Archive" option.
    4. Choose the desired backup location and provide a name for the backup file.
    5. Click on "OK" or "Save" to initiate the backup process.

    The backup file will be saved with the ".BUS" file extension. To restore the BCM database from a ".BUS backup," users can follow similar steps, selecting the "Restore" or "Import" option instead.

    It's important to note that the ".BUS backup" format is specific to Microsoft Outlook with Business Contact Manager and cannot be directly used with other CRM systems or applications.

  • What are the advantages of using a ".BUS backup" system compared to other backup methods?

    The advantages of using a ".BUS backup" system compared to other backup methods are as follows:

    1. Simplicity: ".BUS backup" systems are designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up. They typically involve a plug-and-play approach, requiring minimal configuration and technical expertise.
    2. Cost-effective: These backup systems are often more affordable compared to other backup methods, such as cloud-based solutions or dedicated backup servers. They eliminate the need for expensive hardware or subscriptions.
    3. Portability: ".BUS backup" systems are usually portable and can be easily carried around. This makes them ideal for individuals or small businesses that frequently move or travel, as they can back up their data wherever they go.
    4. Speed: These backup systems often provide fast data transfer rates, especially when using high-speed USB or Thunderbolt connections. This allows for quick backups and restores, reducing downtime in case of data loss.
    5. Local storage: Unlike cloud-based backup solutions, ".BUS backup" systems store data locally on external hard drives or other storage media. This can be advantageous for those who prefer to have physical control over their data or have limited or unreliable internet connectivity.
    6. Security: By keeping data offline, ".BUS backup" systems provide an added layer of security against online threats like hacking, ransomware, or data breaches. It reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.
    7. Customizability: These backup systems often offer flexibility in terms of what data to back up and how frequently. Users can choose specific files, folders, or entire system backups, tailoring the backup process to their specific needs.
    8. Independence: ".BUS backup" systems do not rely on third-party services or subscriptions. Users have full control over their backups, without being dependent on a particular provider or internet connection.
    9. Compatibility: These backup systems are generally compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. They can be used with different devices like laptops, desktops, or servers, ensuring broad compatibility.
    10. Accessibility: With ".BUS backup" systems, data can be easily accessed and restored directly from the backup media. There's no need for an internet connection or specific software, making it convenient and accessible even in offline environments.
  • Are there any limitations or potential risks associated with implementing a ".BUS backup" solution?

    Implementing a ".BUS backup" solution may have certain limitations and potential risks. Here are a few:

    1. Technical Compatibility: The ".BUS backup" solution may not be compatible with all systems or software applications. It is essential to ensure that the solution integrates seamlessly with the existing infrastructure to avoid any compatibility issues.
    2. Data Security: While implementing a backup solution, data security is crucial. If the ".BUS backup" solution does not provide adequate security measures, it may pose a risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. It is important to ensure that the solution encrypts data during transmission and storage.
    3. Reliability and Availability: The reliability and availability of the ".BUS backup" solution are critical. If the solution experiences frequent downtime or is not accessible when needed, it can result in data loss or delays in recovery during critical situations.
    4. Scalability: The backup solution should be scalable to accommodate growing data volumes. If the ".BUS backup" solution does not offer scalability, it may become inadequate over time, leading to potential data loss or disruptions.
    5. Cost: Implementing a backup solution, including the ".BUS backup" solution, may involve additional costs, such as hardware, software licenses, maintenance, and training. It is important to consider the cost implications and ensure that the benefits outweigh the expenses.
    6. Network Dependency: The ".BUS backup" solution relies on network connectivity for data transmission and recovery. If there are network issues or interruptions, it may impact the backup process or recovery time, potentially affecting the overall effectiveness of the solution.
    7. Implementation Complexity: Depending on the complexity of the ".BUS backup" solution, the implementation process may require technical expertise and resources. It is essential to evaluate the implementation complexity and ensure that the organization has the necessary skills and support to deploy and maintain the solution effectively.

    To mitigate these limitations and risks, it is advisable to thoroughly evaluate the ".BUS backup" solution, conduct a risk assessment, and implement appropriate security measures. Regular testing and monitoring should also be conducted to ensure the solution's reliability and effectiveness.

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