.NITF File Recovery

Have files been deleted due to a user’s error or software error? Have you formatted a disk by accident and need to know how to recover the files? Read our .NITF file recovery guide for Windows, MacOS, Android and IOS in 2024.

NITF File Recovery

What is a .NITF file?

Imaging data format used by the U.S. government and military for transmitting documents; may contain a combination of text, graphics, and metadata in a single file; also supports multiple layers; often used for satellite and aerial photos.

What Are Common Causes of ".NITF" Files Lost or Failure?

There can be several common causes of ".NITF" (National Imagery Transmission Format) files being lost or experiencing failure. Some of these causes include:

  1. Accidental deletion: Users may accidentally delete ".NITF" files while performing file management tasks, such as organizing or cleaning up their computer or storage devices.
  2. Hardware failure: Issues with the storage device, such as a hard drive failure, can lead to the loss or corruption of ".NITF" files.
  3. Software or system crashes: Unexpected software or system crashes can result in the loss or corruption of ".NITF" files that were open or being processed at the time of the crash.
  4. Virus or malware infections: If a computer or storage device becomes infected with viruses or malware, it can cause damage to ".NITF" files or even lead to their complete loss.
  5. File system errors: Errors in the file system, such as file system corruption or bad sectors on a storage device, can cause ".NITF" files to become inaccessible or lost.
  6. Human error: Mistakes made by users, such as accidental formatting of a storage device or improper handling of files, can result in the loss of ".NITF" files.
  7. Power outages: Sudden power outages or improper shutdowns of the computer or storage device can lead to data loss or corruption, including ".NITF" files.
  8. Incompatible software or file format conversions: Using incompatible software to open or convert ".NITF" files can cause them to become corrupted or unreadable.

It is important to regularly back up ".NITF" files and maintain a reliable data backup strategy to minimize the risk of loss or failure.

How to recover lost ".NITF" files?

Sometimes while working with a computer, laptop or other stationary or mobile devices, you may encounter various bugs, freezes, hardware or software failures, even in spite of regular updates and junk cleaning. As a result, an important ".NITF" file may be deleted.

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🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

By no means should you think that the only way to recover a ".NITF" file is always to create it once more.

Use programs for recovering ".NITF" files if a file was lost after accidental or deliberate deleting, formatting the memory card or the internal storage, cleaning the storage device, after a virus attack or a system failure.

Programs to recover ".NITF" files

Looking for a way to get files back? In cases when files were deleted and they cannot be restored by using standard operating system tools, use Hetman Partition Recovery.

Partition Recovery™ 4.9
The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Follow the directions below:

  1. Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and start the program.

  2. The program will automatically scan the computer and display all hard disks and removable drives connected to it, as well as physical and local disks.

    File Recovery Software
  3. Double-click on the disk from which you need to recover ".NITF" files, and select analysis type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Analysis Type
  4. When the scanning is over, you will be shown the files for recovery.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Files that Can be Restored
  5. To find a file you need, use the program’s interface to open the folder it was deleted from, or go to the folder "Content-Aware Analysis" and select the required file type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Deep Scan
  6. Select the files you have been looking for and click "Recovery".

    File Recovery Software - Files List for Recovery
  7. Choose one of the methods for saving the files and recover them.

    Saving recovered files in Hetman Partition Recovery

How to open file with ".NITF" extension?

Looking for how to open a stereo national Imagery Transmission Format File image file file?

Programs that open ".NITF" files

ITT Visual Information Solutions ENVI ITT Visual Information Solutions ENVI
Newera Graphics Converter Pro Newera Graphics Converter Pro
XnView MP XnView MP
XnView MP XnView MP
XnView MP XnView MP

Additional Information

  • File type: National Imagery Transmission Format File

  • File extension: .NITF

  • Developer: U.S. Department of Defense

  • Category: Data Files

  • Format: Binary


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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 12:38 #
    Leave a comment if you have any questions about Recovering lost .NITF files after deleting, cleaning or formatting!
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as xaker.ru, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


Questions and answers

  • What is the purpose of NITF Recovery and how does it help in data restoration?

    NITF (National Imagery Transmission Format) Recovery is a process used to restore data from NITF files that have been corrupted or damaged. NITF is a standard format used for the exchange of imagery and metadata in the intelligence and defense communities.

    The purpose of NITF Recovery is to recover and restore as much data as possible from corrupted or damaged NITF files. This is important because NITF files often contain critical and sensitive information, such as satellite imagery, geospatial data, and intelligence reports. If these files become corrupted or damaged, it can result in the loss of valuable data and hinder the analysis and decision-making processes.

    NITF Recovery helps in data restoration by employing various techniques and algorithms to repair or reconstruct the corrupted or damaged parts of the NITF file. It may involve identifying and fixing errors in the file structure, recovering missing or corrupted data segments, or extracting usable data from partially damaged files.

    By recovering data from corrupted NITF files, NITF Recovery ensures that valuable information is not permanently lost and can be utilized for further analysis, intelligence gathering, or decision-making purposes. It helps in maintaining data integrity, preserving the accuracy and completeness of the information contained within NITF files, and enables users to access and utilize the recovered data effectively.

  • What are the common challenges faced during NITF Recovery and how can they be overcome?

    Some common challenges faced during NITF (National Incident Management Assistance Team) recovery efforts include:

    Limited resources: NITF recovery teams often face resource constraints, such as a shortage of personnel, equipment, and funding. This can hinder the speed and effectiveness of the recovery process.

    To overcome this challenge, it is important to prioritize resource allocation based on critical needs. Collaboration with other agencies, organizations, and volunteers can also help supplement resources. Additionally, seeking additional funding sources and advocating for increased support can alleviate resource limitations.

    Complex coordination: NITF recovery involves coordinating multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, local authorities, non-profit organizations, and community members. Ensuring effective communication and coordination among these diverse entities can be challenging.

    To address this challenge, establishing a clear chain of command, communication protocols, and regular meetings can facilitate coordination. Utilizing technology, such as shared online platforms and databases, can also enhance collaboration and information sharing.

    Stakeholder engagement: Engaging and involving affected communities and stakeholders in the recovery process is crucial for success. However, it can be difficult to ensure meaningful participation and address diverse needs and perspectives.

    To overcome this challenge, adopting a community-centered approach is essential. Conducting regular community meetings, seeking input through surveys or focus groups, and involving community leaders in decision-making can enhance stakeholder engagement. It is important to actively listen to concerns, address them transparently, and provide regular updates to build trust and foster collaboration.

    Long-term planning and sustainability: NITF recovery efforts often focus on immediate response and short-term recovery, but long-term planning and sustainability can be overlooked. This can lead to challenges in ensuring resilient and sustainable recovery outcomes.

    To overcome this challenge, incorporating long-term planning from the early stages of recovery is crucial. Engaging urban planners, architects, and sustainability experts can help develop recovery plans that consider long-term infrastructure, environmental, and socioeconomic factors. Additionally, integrating disaster risk reduction measures and promoting community resilience can help ensure sustainable recovery.

    Emotional and psychological impact: NITF recovery involves dealing with the emotional and psychological impact on individuals and communities affected by the incident. This can include trauma, grief, and mental health challenges.

    To address this challenge, providing psychological support services, counseling, and mental health resources is essential. Collaborating with mental health professionals, non-profit organizations, and community-based support groups can help provide the necessary emotional support during the recovery process.

    Overall, overcoming these challenges requires effective coordination, stakeholder engagement, long-term planning, and prioritizing the well-being of affected communities.

  • Are there any specific techniques or tools that are commonly used for NITF Recovery?

    There are several techniques and tools commonly used for NITF (National Imagery Transmission Format) recovery. Some of these include:

    1. NITF Viewer Software: Specialized software tools designed to view, analyze, and recover NITF files. These viewers allow users to open and examine the contents of NITF files, extract data, and recover corrupted or damaged files.
    2. Metadata Analysis: NITF files contain metadata that describes the content and structure of the file. Analyzing this metadata can help in understanding the file's format, identifying any errors or inconsistencies, and recovering the file accordingly.
    3. Error Correction Codes: Error correction codes (ECC) are used to detect and correct errors in NITF files. ECC techniques like Reed-Solomon coding can be employed to recover data from corrupted or damaged files by reconstructing missing or erroneous data.
    4. File Fragmentation: In some cases, NITF files may be fragmented, meaning they are split into multiple parts or stored across different locations. Techniques like file carving can be used to identify and extract these fragmented parts to reconstruct the complete NITF file.
    5. File Format Conversion: Sometimes, NITF files may be corrupted beyond repair. In such cases, converting the NITF file to a different format, such as TIFF or JPEG, may help in recovering at least a portion of the data.
    6. Data Recovery Tools: General-purpose data recovery tools that are used for recovering files from various file systems and media types can also be utilized for NITF recovery. These tools employ techniques like file scanning, data carving, and error correction to recover data from damaged NITF files.

    It's important to note that the specific techniques and tools used for NITF recovery can vary depending on the nature and extent of the damage or corruption to the file.

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