Best Tools to Recover .SN1 Files from Formatted Drives

Have files been deleted due to a user’s error or software error? Have you formatted a disk by accident and need to know how to recover the files? Read our .SN1 file recovery guide for Windows, MacOS, Android and IOS in 2025.

Best Tools to Recover .SN1 Files from Formatted Drives

What is a .SN1 file?

First differential backup created by Drive Snapshot after creating the primary .SNA backup file; contains only files and folders that have been changed since the initial backup; can be mounted like a physical disk when opened with the Drive Snapshot program.

What Are Common Causes of ".SN1" Files Lost or Failure?

There can be several common causes of ".SN1" file loss or failure, including:

  1. Accidental deletion: Users may accidentally delete ".SN1" files while managing their files or folders, leading to their loss.
  2. Software or hardware issues: Issues with the software or hardware of the device where the ".SN1" files are stored can result in file corruption or loss. This can include system crashes, power outages, software conflicts, or hardware failures.
  3. Virus or malware attacks: Viruses or malware can infect the device and corrupt or delete files, including ".SN1" files.
  4. File system errors: File system errors, such as disk errors or bad sectors on the storage device, can cause ".SN1" files to become inaccessible or lost.
  5. Formatting or partitioning: Accidental formatting or partitioning of the storage device can lead to the loss of all data, including ".SN1" files.
  6. Synchronization errors: If you use synchronization software or cloud storage services to back up or transfer ".SN1" files, errors during the synchronization process can result in file loss or failure.
  7. Human errors: Human errors, such as improper handling of files, accidental overwriting, or improper shutdown of devices, can cause ".SN1" file loss or failure.

It is always recommended to regularly back up your important files, including ".SN1" files, to prevent permanent loss in case of any unexpected failures or accidents.

How to recover lost ".SN1" files?

Sometimes while working with a computer, laptop or other stationary or mobile devices, you may encounter various bugs, freezes, hardware or software failures, even in spite of regular updates and junk cleaning. As a result, an important ".SN1" file may be deleted.

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🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

🧺 How to Recover Files and Folders After Sending Them to the Recycle Bin and Deleting? (Windows 11)

By no means should you think that the only way to recover a ".SN1" file is always to create it once more.

Use programs for recovering ".SN1" files if a file was lost after accidental or deliberate deleting, formatting the memory card or the internal storage, cleaning the storage device, after a virus attack or a system failure.

Programs to recover ".SN1" files

Looking for a way to get files back? In cases when files were deleted and they cannot be restored by using standard operating system tools, use Hetman Partition Recovery.

Partition Recovery™ 5.0
The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Follow the directions below:

  1. Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and start the program.

  2. The program will automatically scan the computer and display all hard disks and removable drives connected to it, as well as physical and local disks.

    File Recovery Software
  3. Double-click on the disk from which you need to recover ".SN1" files, and select analysis type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Analysis Type
  4. When the scanning is over, you will be shown the files for recovery.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Files that Can be Restored
  5. To find a file you need, use the program’s interface to open the folder it was deleted from, or go to the folder "Content-Aware Analysis" and select the required file type.

    Hetman Partition Recovery - Deep Scan
  6. Select the files you have been looking for and click "Recovery".

    File Recovery Software - Files List for Recovery
  7. Choose one of the methods for saving the files and recover them.

    Saving recovered files in Hetman Partition Recovery

How to open file with ".SN1" extension?

Looking for how to open a stereo drive Snapshot First Differential Backup image file file?

Programs that open ".SN1" files

HEX Editor HEX Editor

Additional Information

  • File type: Drive Snapshot First Differential Backup

  • File extension: .SN1

  • Developer: Tom Ehlert

  • Category: Backup Files

  • Format: N/A

  • HEX: 53 4E 43 4F



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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 13:11 #
    Leave a comment if you have any questions about Recovering lost .SN1 files after deleting, cleaning or formatting!
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


Questions and answers

  • What is the purpose of SN1 recovery in organic chemistry?

    SN1 recovery is a process used in organic chemistry to convert alkyl halides or other compounds that can undergo SN1 reactions back into their original starting materials. The purpose of SN1 recovery is to reverse the reaction and regenerate the initial reactant.

    SN1 reactions involve a two-step mechanism, where the first step involves the formation of a carbocation intermediate and the second step involves the nucleophilic attack on the carbocation. In some cases, the reaction may not go to completion, or the desired product may not be obtained. In such situations, SN1 recovery can be used to recover the starting material.

    The process involves adding a nucleophile that can react with the carbocation intermediate, resulting in the formation of a new compound. This new compound can then be subjected to a reaction that regenerates the initial starting material. SN1 recovery is particularly useful when the starting material is expensive or difficult to synthesize.

    Overall, the purpose of SN1 recovery is to reverse the SN1 reaction and recover the starting material, allowing for its reuse or further modification.

  • How does SN1 recovery differ from SN2 recovery?

    SN1 (substitution nucleophilic unimolecular) and SN2 (substitution nucleophilic bimolecular) reactions are two different mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reactions. The recovery processes after these reactions differ due to the nature of the mechanisms involved.

    SN1 Recovery:

    • In an SN1 reaction, the substrate undergoes a unimolecular substitution process, meaning the rate-determining step involves only the substrate molecule.
    • The reaction proceeds through a carbocation intermediate, where the leaving group dissociates first, forming a carbocation.
    • The nucleophile then attacks the carbocation to complete the substitution reaction.
    • Since SN1 reactions involve a carbocation intermediate, the stereochemistry of the substrate is usually lost during the reaction.
    • In terms of recovery, after an SN1 reaction, the product mixture often contains a mixture of stereoisomers, including both retention and inversion products.
    • Additionally, the reaction may lead to racemization if the carbocation intermediate can be attacked by nucleophiles from either side equally.

    SN2 Recovery:

    • In an SN2 reaction, the substrate undergoes a bimolecular substitution process, meaning the rate-determining step involves both the substrate and the nucleophile.
    • The reaction proceeds through a concerted mechanism, where the nucleophile attacks the substrate while the leaving group is leaving.
    • Since SN2 reactions involve a direct substitution without any intermediates, the stereochemistry of the substrate is typically inverted during the reaction.
    • In terms of recovery, after an SN2 reaction, the product mixture usually contains a single stereoisomer with inverted configuration.
    • The reaction does not lead to racemization as there is no intermediate carbocation that can be attacked from either side.

    In summary, SN1 reactions result in a mixture of stereoisomers and can lead to racemization, while SN2 reactions lead to a single stereoisomer with inverted configuration and do not cause racemization.

  • What are the factors that influence the rate of SN1 recovery reactions?

    The rate of SN1 recovery reactions, which involve the substitution of a leaving group with a nucleophile, can be influenced by several factors:

    1. Nature of the leaving group: The ability of the leaving group to depart from the substrate and form a stable intermediate carbocation greatly affects the rate of the reaction. Good leaving groups, such as halides (e.g., Cl-, Br-, I-), tend to increase the rate of the reaction.
    2. Stability of the carbocation intermediate: The stability of the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction is a crucial factor. More stable carbocations, which have more substituted carbon atoms or resonance stabilization, lead to faster reactions.
    3. Solvent polarity: The polarity of the solvent can significantly impact the rate of SN1 reactions. Polar solvents, such as water or alcohols, stabilize the carbocation intermediate and promote the reaction. Nonpolar solvents, on the other hand, hinder the reaction.
    4. Nucleophile strength: The strength of the nucleophile also affects the rate of SN1 reactions. Strong nucleophiles, such as hydroxide ions (OH-), are more reactive and lead to faster reactions.
    5. Temperature: Higher temperatures generally increase the rate of reactions by providing more kinetic energy to the reacting molecules. However, excessively high temperatures can also lead to side reactions or decomposition.
    6. Steric hindrance: Bulky substituents near the reaction site can hinder the formation of the carbocation intermediate, slowing down the reaction rate.
    7. Concentration of reactants: Increasing the concentration of reactants, both the substrate and the nucleophile, can enhance the rate of the reaction by increasing the frequency of collisions between reactant molecules.

    It is important to note that SN1 reactions are generally slower than SN2 reactions due to the formation of the carbocation intermediate, which is a relatively slow step.

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