Retrieve Accidentally Deleted Videos from Ikan Camcorder

Have you accidentally lost an important video? Have you cleaned a camera’s memory card? Is video recording unavailable for your camera? Read about file recovery in 2025.

Retrieve Accidentally Deleted Videos from Ikan Camcorder

Recovering Data From Ikan Camcorder

Retrieve Accidentally Deleted Videos from Ikan Camcorder

Files created by a digital camera or a video recorder can be stored in one of the following places:

  • the built-in memory of the device;

  • the internal or removable hard disk;

  • a memory card (SD, SDHC, Micro SD, Micro SDHC, SD mini, SDXC, Micro SDXC, Compact Flash, xD picture card, Memory Stick, XC, MMC);

  • or a USB drive.

Here are the main formats used by digital video cameras: AVI, MOV, MP4. These may also include MKV, MPG, MPEG, WMV, FLV etc.

What are the common causes of video file loss or camera failure on a Ikan camcorder?

  1. Accidental deletion: Users may accidentally delete video files from their Ikan camcorder while trying to delete other files or format the memory card.
  2. Memory card corruption: Memory cards used in Ikan camcorders can become corrupted due to various reasons such as improper ejection, power failure, or virus infection, leading to video file loss.
  3. Physical damage: Dropping or mishandling the Ikan camcorder can cause physical damage to the device or memory card, resulting in video file loss.
  4. Battery failure: If the battery of the Ikan camcorder dies while recording, it may cause the video file being recorded at that time to become corrupted or lost.
  5. Firmware issues: Outdated firmware or software glitches in the Ikan camcorder can also lead to video file loss or camera failure.
  6. Overheating: Continuous usage of the Ikan camcorder for long periods without breaks can cause the device to overheat, potentially leading to camera failure or loss of video files.
  7. File system errors: File system errors on the memory card or internal storage of the Ikan camcorder can also result in video file loss or corruption.
  8. Virus or malware infection: If the Ikan camcorder gets infected with a virus or malware, it can cause data loss or camera malfunction.
  9. Water damage: Exposure to water or moisture can damage the internal components of the Ikan camcorder, leading to camera failure or loss of video files.

Why cameras and video recorders lose data

Where do their files disappear?

Things that can cause video recorder files to be lost or deleted can be systematized into the following groups:

  • Damage to, or failure of its medium (information carrier);

  • Unintended or deliberate formatting of its medium (information carrier);

  • Accidental or deliberate deleting of a video file;

  • Loss of files when copying them from the camera to the computer;

  • Camera shutdown when recording a video (accidental or due to low battery warning);

  • Physical damage to the camera because of impact or water invasion.

Recovering data from a video recorders

How to recover data from a dashboard camera or DVR?

Recovering data from a dashboard camera

  1. Connect the video recorder to the computer with the help of the interface intended for this purpose (USB, mini USB, micro USB or other) or using the computer’s/laptop’s card reader (if your task is to recover data from a memory card).

  2. After the device is recognized as a removable data carrier, scan it with Hetman Partition Recovery.

    Partition Recovery™ 5.0
    The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.
    Hetman Partition Recovery
  3. Wait until the analysis is over and recover video files to a convenient location.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  4. As a rule, video recorder files have similar names of the same type. If you need to recover a certain video you can find it by using the preview function (fullscreen mode is also available).

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  5. To restore them, drag the necessary files to the “Recovery List” and click “Recovery.”

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  6. Choose the saving method and the corresponding folder, and click “Recovery” again.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
    Hetman Partition Recovery

    Note. If you have reasons to believe that the memory card or built-in storage is damaged, it is a good idea to create an image of such storage to prevent irreparable data loss, because such data carrier can become unavailable at any time.

    Hetman Partition Recovery

Recovering data from DVR

Often, there is no possibility to take the hard disk (or another data storage device) out of the DVR (digital video recorder), connect it to a computer and view or copy its data. To perform such actions, you will have to use the built-in export and decryption interface of the DVR.

It is connected with the specific circumstances in which such recorders operate. Most autonomous video recorders do not use conventional PC-style file systems. That is why, you cannot copy or view videos from the video recorder even if you managed to connect it to the computer.

Recovering data from autonomous video recording systems requires proper hardware and software - without it, their data cannot be recovered outside of a specialized lab.

The only exception is PC-compatible video recording systems: in this case, you can recover their data using the method we have previously described for dashboard cameras.

Recovering data from digital cameras

How to recover files lost from a digital camera?

If the data carrier of the digital camera suffered no physical damage and is, in fact, quite operable, the photo and video files it contains can be recovered with file recovery software, regardless of why they were lost. To do it:

  1. Connect the camera to the USB port of a computer, using the interface of your device (it can be USB, micro USB, mini USB or other). If this camera records videos to a memory card, you can also connect it to the computer with a card reader.

  2. After that, run Hetman Partition Recoveryand scan the memory of the video camera, action camera or their memory card.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  3. After the analysis is over, the program will show all video files that can be recovered.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  4. With the use of the preview function you can watch the videos found.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  5. Right-click on the file you need to recover and select Recovery or add several files to the Recovery List.

    Hetman Partition Recovery
  6. Click “Recovery” to have the files saved to the folder you have specified.

    Hetman Partition Recovery


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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 15:06 #
    Leave a comment if you have any questions about Ikan Camcorder Data Recovery after accidental or deliberate deleting of a video file, formatting or failure!
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


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