How to Retrieve Data on iStorage USB Flash Drive After Damage or Read Errors

Are you looking for a way to recover data from Flash Drive iStorage? Have you lost data because your Flash Drive iStorage does not work properly or because of hard disk errors? Is the data lost forever, or is there some way to recover it?

How to Retrieve Data on iStorage USB Flash Drive After Damage or Read Errors

iStorage Flash Drive Data Recovery in 2025

Repair your media, fix errors that cause failures and restore the lost data on your own.

How to Retrieve Data on iStorage USB Flash Drive After Damage or Read Errors

If you need to recover an internal or external hard disk (HDD, SSD or SSHD), a memory card or a USB pen drive, the first step is to connect it to a computer. If you want to recover data from a dashboard camera, phone, camera, or a music player, you should remove their memory card and connect it to a desktop computer. Also, you can try this tutorial for internal phone storage, if you connect your phone to a computer and it displays your device in This PC folder as a USB drive.

What are the common causes of data loss or failure on a iStorage USB flash drive?

  1. Physical damage: Dropping or mishandling the USB flash drive can cause physical damage to the device, leading to data loss or failure.
  2. File system corruption: File system corruption can occur due to improper ejection of the USB flash drive, power failures, or other unexpected events, resulting in data loss.
  3. Virus or malware infection: If the USB flash drive is infected with a virus or malware, it can corrupt files and lead to data loss.
  4. Accidental deletion: Accidentally deleting files or formatting the USB flash drive without proper backup can result in data loss.
  5. Software or firmware issues: Software or firmware issues can cause the USB flash drive to malfunction, resulting in data loss or failure.
  6. Power surges or electrical issues: Power surges or electrical issues can damage the USB flash drive and lead to data loss.
  7. Improper handling: Improper handling of the USB flash drive, such as pulling it out while data is being transferred, can cause data loss or failure.
  8. Age and wear: Over time, the USB flash drive may wear out or degrade, leading to data loss or failure.

The Program For Recovering iStorage Flash Drive Data

Are you looking for a way to recover data?

If files have been deleted from a iStorage Flash Drive, and it is impossible to recover them by using standard tools of your operating system, the most effective way will be to use Hetman Partition Recovery.

Partition Recovery™ 5.0
The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

For this purpose, do the following:

  • Download the program install and launch it.

  • By default, users are suggested to start with File Recovery Wizard. Click «Next» and the program will ask you to select the disk you want to recover your files from.

  • Double-click on the disk and select analysis type. Choose «Full analysis» and wait for the disk scanning procedure to finish.

  • When the scanning is over, you will be show files for recovery. Select the ones you need and click «Recover».

  • Select one of the options to save files. Do not save the recovered files to the disk from where they have been deleted previously because they can be erased.

The Program For Recovering iStorage Flash Drive Data
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How to Recover Deleted Files With Hetman Partition Recovery Software

How to Recover Deleted Files With Hetman Partition Recovery Software

Recover Data From iStorage Flash Drive After Formatting or Deleting Partition

Recover Files After Formatting

Are you looking for a way to recover files from a iStorage Flash Drive after formatting? Follow this guide:

  • Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and launch it. After launch, the program will find and display all physical disks as well as available and unavailable partitions and areas on your disks, showing this information in the left part of the main window.

  • Double-click on the disk or the area from which you need to recover files and select analysis type.

  • Choose «Full analysis» and wait for the disk scanning procedure to finish.

  • When the scanning is over, you will be show files for recovery. Select the ones you need and click «Recover».

  • Select one of the options to save files. Do not save the recovered files to the disk from where they have been deleted previously because they can be erased.

Recover Files After Formatting

Recover Data From Deleted Partition

Are you looking for a way to recover files from a deleted partition in a iStorage Flash Drive? Follow this guide:

  • Download Hetman Partition Recovery, install and launch it. After launch, the program will find and display all physical disks, flash drives or memory cards in the left part of the main window. The list of physical devices is shown after logical drives

  • Double-click on the device from where a partition was deleted.

  • Choose «Full analysis» and wait for the disk scanning procedure to finish.

  • When the scanning is over, you will be shown files for recovery. Select the ones you need and click «Recover».

  • Select one of the options to save files. Do not save the recovered files to the disk from where they have been deleted previously because they can be erased.

Recover System Partition With LiveCD

If there is no possibility to connect a hard disk with a lost or damaged system partition to another computer, you can recover such partition by starting your computer with LiveCD, an alternative portable version of an operating system. For this purpose, do the following:

  • Find a LiveCD which is good enough for your needs, download it and copy it to a CD\DVD or a flash drive.

  • Connect the LiveCD to your computer and turn it on. The computer will reboot automatically with the LiveCD.

  • Copy files from the system partition to another media (often it can be an external hard disk).

Recover System Partition Data on Another Computer

If the system partition is lost, a computer will not boot. That is why:

  • Take out of the computer or disconnect the hard disk where the system partition was lost.

  • Connect this HDD to another computer.

  • Make sure that your hard disk is recognized by the other computer correctly.

  • Now, follow the steps as shown in the previous section.

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How to Recover Data After Formatting, Deleting or Creating Partitions

How to Recover Data After Formatting, Deleting or Creating Partitions

SMART Parameters Of iStorage Flash Drive

Large hard disk manufacturers include S.M.A.R.T. technology into their products. S.M.A.R.T. analyzes a great number of mechanical attributes. This analysis allows detecting hard disk errors before it breaks down completely, and it can also help to find out why it happened.

In spite of S.M.A.R.T. ability to predict future problems, most of them cannot be prevented. Therefore, S.M.A.R.T. is a technology which often warns users of the hard disk nearing its end. S.M.A.R.T. values cannot be corrected and there is no need to waste time on that.

Every hard disk manufacturer sets a threshold value for every operation. Under normal circumstances, threshold values are never exceeded. Otherwise, we encounter errors.

There are 256 values, each having its own ID. Some errors and extreme values are critical. There is no solution for such errors. The only way out for them is to replace the hard disk as soon as such error is detected.

There are no methods to correct critical SMART errors. If the hard disk is not replaced, the error will be displayed again and again. The only justified reason for still keeping the disk will be the need to save data from the sectors which are still available. If the error warning comes true, the disk will become unavailable for any program known. That is why there are steps to be taken to save your data.

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How to Use Victoria to Test and Fix Your Hard Disk

Restore File System On iStorage Flash Drive

If it is impossible to recognize the file system on iStorage Flash Drive, hard disk, format the device.

File System In iStorage Flash Drive Is Recognized as RAW

Sometimes the operating system cannot recognize the file system structure (for example, FAT or NTFS). If you check properties of such device, its file system will be identified as RAW. In this case, Windows suggests formatting the disk.

There are utilities specialized in restoring RAW disks, but we recommend using a versatile solution, Hetman Partition Recovery. This function is an additional component, so you only have to launch the program and analyze such disk.

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How to Fix Flash Drive Errors: The Drive Can’t Be Recognized, Wrong Size, RAW File System

How to Fix Flash Drive Errors: The Drive Can’t Be Recognized, Wrong Size, RAW File System

Run CHKDSK Command

In some cases, the file system on a iStorage Flash Drive can be repaired with the command CHKDSK.

  1. Launch the Command prompt as Administrator.

  2. Type in the command “chkdsk D: /f” (instead of D: type in the letter of the corresponding disk) and press ENTER.

  3. As you launch the command, the process of error checking and correcting will start; it can help to restore your file system back to normal.

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How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10

How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10

Restore Partitions On iStorage Flash Drive With “Diskpart” Command

If a USB drive, a memory card or another media work incorrectly, cleaning the disk and its partitions with the command “Clean” and Diskpart tool can become one of the ways to solve the problem. This tool can correct errors if the device cannot be formatted or when its size is identified incorrectly.

  1. Launch the Command prompt as Administrator.

  2. Run the command DISKPART.

  3. Show the list of disks with the command LIST DISK and find the number of the disk which you need to recover.

  4. Select the disk you need: SELECT DISK # (instead of # enter the disk number).

  5. Run the command CLEAN.

  6. Create a partition in the cleaned disk and format it into the file system you like.

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How to Fix Flash Drive Errors: The Drive Can’t Be Recognized, Wrong Size, RAW File System

How to Fix Flash Drive Errors: The Drive Can’t Be Recognized, Wrong Size, RAW File System

Find Bad Sectors And Errors, Run The Defragmentation

Scan The Disk For Errors And Bad Sectors Snd Correct Them

Check all partitions of the hard disk and try to correct the mistakes which have been found. For this purpose, do the following:

  • Open the folder «This PC».

  • Right-click on the disk containing an error.

  • Select Properties / Tools / Check now (in the tab Error-checking).

As a result of scanning, the errors found on the disk can be corrected.

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How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10

How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10

Run Disk Defragmentation

  • Open the folder «This PC» and right-click on the disk.

  • Select Properties / Tools / Optimize (in the tab Optimization and defragmentation).

  • Select the disk you need to optimize and click Optimize.

Note. In Windows 10 defragmentation/optimization can be scheduled so that it is performed automatically.

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How to Defragment Your PC's Hard Drive on Windows 10

How to Defragment Your PC's Hard Drive on Windows 10

Repairing iStorage Flash Drive

It is important to understand that any of the ways to eliminate errors in a iStorage Flash Drive hard disk is only a virtual solution to the problem. Often it is impossible to remove the cause of the error completely, because the device needs repairing.

You can go to a service center to fix the breakage or replace parts/microchips of a iStorage Flash Drive. Yet in this case the cost of works will be several times as expensive as buying a disk or memory card. So this step is only worth taking if you need to recover very important data.

Creating Backup Copy Of iStorage Flash Drive

There are several solutions to create data backup copies:

  1. Applications built into the operating system. Microsoft Windows offers methods of data backup that suggest saving files and data to external or intrernal (built-in) media storages. All modern versions of Windows are already equipped the fuction of creating a backup copy of certain files or the entire hard disk if necessary. The functions offered by Windows are comprehensive and self-sufficient, and they are meant to be convenient enough so that you do not go looking for third-party services or software.

  2. Manual backup. You can always use the good old method of creating a backup copy by manually copying the data to an external medium. it is a long process but if you work with small amounts of data, such solution can be acceptable for you.

  3. Online services. Recently the most up-to-date way of data backup is becoming popular, represented by numerous online services. These are companies that provide backup for your files right on the Internet. A small background application installed on your computer creates copies of thnecessary data and saves them to a remote server. However, the space allowed for storing files in a free version is too small to use this method as a complex solution. Often this space is under 10 Gb so there is no way to create a backup copy of the entire hard disk. Such services are more practical when things come to backing up a series of files.

  4. Creating a disk image. This is the most comprehensive solution to create a backup copy which is preferred by advanced users. This method suggests using a third-party program to create a backup copy of the entire disk which can be used on another information-carrying medium if necessary. With this solution, you can get access to all data which was there on the disk at the time of copying - documents, software and media files - within a short period of time.

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How to Set Up and Configure File History in Windows 10, 8

How to Set Up and Configure File History in Windows 10, 8

Models Flash Drive iStorage:

  • datAshur;
  • datAshur Pro;
  • datAshur SSD;
  • datAshur Personal;


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  • Hetman Software: Data Recovery
    Hetman Software: Data Recovery 18.12.2019 14:05 #
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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: Vladimir Artiukh, Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: Oleg Afonin, Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.


Questions and answers

  • How effective is physically cleaning a dirty or dusty USB flash drive in restoring data? Are there any risks involved in this process?

    Physically cleaning a dirty or dusty USB flash drive can be effective in restoring data, especially if the dirt or dust is causing connection issues. However, it is important to note that cleaning the USB drive does not guarantee data recovery if the drive is damaged or corrupted.

    Here are some steps to clean a USB flash drive:

    1. Power off your computer and remove the USB drive.
    2. Gently blow air into the USB port of the computer to remove any loose dirt or dust.
    3. Use a clean, soft, and lint-free cloth to wipe the USB drive. Be careful not to scratch the contacts or any other parts.
    4. If there are stubborn dirt or residue, you can dampen the cloth slightly with isopropyl alcohol (at least 90% concentration) and wipe the USB drive. Ensure it is completely dry before using it again.

    While cleaning the USB drive, there are a few risks involved:

    1. Damage: If excessive force is applied or if the USB drive is mishandled, it can get damaged.
    2. Static electricity: Ensure you are grounded or use an anti-static wrist strap to prevent static discharge, which can damage the USB drive.
    3. Liquid damage: Do not use excessive liquid or submerge the USB drive in any cleaning solution, as it can cause damage.

    It is important to note that cleaning the USB drive is a preventive measure and might not always solve data recovery issues. If the drive is physically damaged or corrupted, professional data recovery services might be required.

  • What alternative measures should be considered for data recovery from a dirty or dusty USB flash drive? Are there any professional services or software solutions recommended?

    When it comes to data recovery from a dirty or dusty USB flash drive, there are a few alternative measures that can be considered:

    1. Cleaning the USB flash drive: Before attempting any data recovery, it's important to clean the USB flash drive properly. Use a can of compressed air to blow away the dust and debris. You can also use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the USB connector.
    2. Trying different USB ports or computers: Sometimes, the issue may be with the USB port or the computer itself. Try connecting the USB flash drive to different USB ports or try using it on another computer to see if it can be recognized.
    3. Using data recovery software: There are several data recovery software options available that can help recover data from a damaged or corrupted USB flash drive. Some popular software solutions include Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, and Stellar Data Recovery.
    4. Seeking professional data recovery services: If the data on the USB flash drive is extremely important and valuable, it may be worth considering professional data recovery services. These services specialize in recovering data from damaged storage devices and have advanced tools and techniques to handle complex cases. Some reputable professional data recovery companies include DriveSavers, Ontrack, and ACE Data Recovery.

    It's important to note that data recovery success may vary depending on the extent of the damage to the USB flash drive. Therefore, it's recommended to try different measures and solutions to maximize the chances of successful data recovery.

  • Are there any specific precautions or guidelines to follow when attempting to physically clean a dirty or dusty USB flash drive to avoid further damage?

    Yes, there are a few precautions and guidelines to follow when physically cleaning a dirty or dusty USB flash drive to avoid further damage:

    1. Disconnect the USB flash drive: Before cleaning, ensure that the USB flash drive is disconnected from any device or computer to avoid accidental data loss or damage.
    2. Use a soft, lint-free cloth: Gently wipe the exterior of the USB flash drive with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid using rough or abrasive materials that can scratch or damage the surface.
    3. Avoid liquid cleaners: Do not use liquid cleaners or solvents directly on the USB flash drive. Moisture can damage the internal components and lead to data loss. If necessary, slightly dampen the cloth with water and then wipe the drive.
    4. Clean the USB port: If the USB port is dirty or dusty, use a can of compressed air to blow away any debris. Be careful not to blow too close or with excessive force, as this can damage the components.
    5. Do not disassemble the USB flash drive: Avoid disassembling the USB flash drive as it can cause irreparable damage. The internal components are delicate and sensitive to static electricity.
    6. Store in a safe place: After cleaning, store the USB flash drive in a safe and dry place to prevent further dust or dirt accumulation.

    Remember, if the USB flash drive is not functioning properly or if the data is critical, it is recommended to consult a professional data recovery service to avoid any further damage.

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